these are all very good points!!!

You are absolutely correct that I'm going wrong way making normal use
painful for twice in a life time task optimization.

I'll take your points.

Thanks for the advice.

On Jul 22, 12:16 pm, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> gnugu wrote:
> > Say you have a database with 100 notes. You use a password as a base
> > for encryption key. You decide to change your password.
> How frequently do you anticipate people using your application (looking
> up data, modifying data)? Once a minute? Once an hour? Once a day? Once
> a week?
> Then, how frequently do you anticipate people changing their master
> password? Once a minute? Once an hour? Once a day? Once a week? Once a
> lifetime?
> > Now I have to spawn a thread that will open a
> > transaction and decrypt and re-encrypt records one by one.
> > Somehow I don't like that.
> Given a choice between optimizing for something that is done frequently,
> or something that is done infrequently, I'd err on the frequently side.
> It feels like your approach is to make the user's normal work painful
> (by having to decrypt the entire database just to use it and having to
> re-encrypt the entire database for any little modification), to optimize
> a case that, I suspect, is not all that common.
> But, hey, I don't know your app, so I might be incorrectly assuming your
> expected usage patterns and flow.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)|
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