You need to implement the method
 public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration arg0)

in your activity. and in manifest file, you have to the statement
android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation" for that activity.

so when your screen orientation is changed, it wont call the onCreate
() method again.

On Sep 26, 1:21 pm, Kacper86 <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I've created ProgressDialog with a second thread according to the
> DevGuide:
> It works great till user:
> 1) changes screen orientation or
> 2) hits the back button twice (first to hide the dialog, second to
> hide the app) to hide the application and run the app again after a
> while.
> Then, onCreate() is called (for the second time), and progress bar
> stops responding properly. My thread may work for a few minutes and I
> want to give the user possibility to hide it and do sth else. After a
> while he might want to run the app again in order to check the
> progress.
> I found a few articles concerning this topic, but I couldn't find the
> exact solution I should chose for this problem. So, could you tell mi
> what is the proper way to handle this? Should i save the handler and
> dialog state with "onRetainNonConfigurationInstance()"? If so, how to
> do it properly and is it safe?
> Or maybe my solution is wrong and I should create service, which
> spawns the thread and communicates with activity (progress bar) with
> AIDL?  But this will mean that the article in DevGuide is wrong, cause
> it doesn't give a long term solution for creating a progress bar...
> I'm stuck, and I'd appreciate all the response!
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