It is the problem with your driver which creates this chopping
effect.It is not able to read the data properly and if you check your
kernel messages there would be a buffer overrun message.This happens
because Linux is not RTOS and audio is running in real time.

What you are recording is noise also along with voice data.So you need
noise cancellation algorithm also if you want proper sound.

There is one more problem with respect to sampling rate.If your driver
supports "x" sampling rate and you want to sample at "y" sampling rate
then there is resampling that takes place which causes some loss in
data.So your re-sampler also should be good enough to do re-sampling.

Generally audio re-samplers provided by android is not of good quality
and if you do playback and recording simultaneously then you can make
out that playback is not proper(there would be some audio distortion
in your playback audio).

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