I know people other than me are having issues with this, so I'm
starting a thread specifically to talk about all the things that are
popping up just because phone manufacturers are running Android 1.5 on
their CDMA phones.

I don't even want to know why.  I don't care.  All I know is running
Android 1.5 on a CDMA phone means I can't build my application against
the Android 1.5 SDK.  At best, I have to try and build my application
against some other version of the Android SDK, force the manifest to
allow the application to be run on 1.5 CDMA phones, and hope it
works ...

Or, I can have a special build for Android 1.5 phones that have CDMA
on them.

Either solution makes my stomach churn.

Also, I want to know where the conformance documentation on Android
devices gets stored, and if they're public? This is the documentation
that phone manufacturers sign off on to prove that their OS
implementations match the API specification that Google publishes in
the Android specification. Anyone?

I ask, because as a developer I need to know where an OEM departs from
the API, and I need to know what "Creative use" of the Android API the
OEM has adopted.

I see this CDMA on Android 1.5 problem so far on Samsung Moment and
the at least one HTC device.  Here is the support discussion I had
with HTC itself.  It starts out with my support request (rather ... a
rant) to HTC:

Customer Information
Name    Richard Schilling
\Country        United States
Inquiry Information
Inquiry Type    Technical Support
Inquiry Description     You should have never released Android 1.5 on a
CDMA device! http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=7194 I
don't know, nor care, who made that decision. You're breaking my
software and making it impossible to develop for your phones.


2010/03/17 06:35        Philip (North America Support (Tech))   Hello Richard,

I understand that it is important for you to develop for the device.
Android 1.5 works perfectly well for a large number of people on CDMA
devices. I have read the issues you listed at the URL where you posted
them, and I do understand your frustration with this issue. However,
you have to keep in mind that the device was not designed solely to be
developed for, and most users are able to use the device without
problems. As well, HTC Technical Support cannot provide any support on
the developmental side of things. I apologize for any inconvenience
you may have experienced.

HTC Technical Support


2010/03/17 09:23        Richard Schilling       Thanks for your response.

It's not true to say that Android 1.5 works properly on a CDMA device.
It doesn't provide CDMA tower identifier, and there's no documented
work around. Bottom line: that's what I need. Have you read the API
spec for Android 1.5? There's absolutely no CDMA support in the API
spec for 1.5.

You're running a non-conformant OS build when you run Android 1.5 on a
CDMA device. From that standpoint, it's broken.

I'm going to dig into the Google code for Android 1.5 and the HTC
board support package to figure out what's going on here. I at least
need this all documented. Any links to documentation you already have
that you can point me to?

There are several parameters about CDMA networks that Android 1.6 and
higher provides to applications. At the very least, please, do the
developer community a favor and document how we get those same CDMA
parameters using Android 1.5.


New Response From [ Philip (North America Support (Tech)) ]
Hello Richard,

I just wanted to drop you a note to say that I did get your replies
(all of them) so that you didn't have to worry about getting through.
To clarify what I meant about the device working with 1.5, I meant
that the device works, and runs properly, as released; this statement
was not at all intended to imply that everything about the phone
worked perfectly for all developers, as this is clearly not the case
for you. At HTC Technical Support, our support is largely for the
standard workings of the phone; applications included in the OS
itself, things of that nature. We do not have much information on the
side of things that you are inquiring about, as it is outside our
general spectrum of support. As such, the documentation you have asked
about, particularly, is not something that we have access to. These
sorts of things are more in the hands of our developers, which poses a
problem in this case as the email support you have contacted is
technical support. To provide your feedback about what you need as an
HTC device user, I would recommend filling out the survey at
survey.htc.com/worldwide; this delivers your information to higher
levels of HTC, and may be more likely to get the results that you
need. I apologize for the lack of information that I have available on
these subjects for you, as I am a big fan of the developer community
personally. I was right in the middle of the requests for the kernels
for both the Sprint Hero and the Eris in January, and it was
frustrating that there was nothing I could do to speed along the
process in that case either. Hopefully the documentation you need will
be made available, and also that the point will be made moot soon with
the update to 2.x. I apologize for any inconvenience you may have
experienced with this.

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