On Monday, April 16, 2012 11:45:10 PM UTC-4, Alan Halls wrote:
> I asked a company to put together an app that would connect to the wowza 
> RTMP server to stream content similar to the Khan Academy app on the Ipad 
> (without the running transcript) We have a monthly subscription for 
> watching the videos which is controlled through our forum software 
> vbulletin. The base quote was $24,750 and adding the ability to download 
> the videos to the device for later viewing while still timing out content 
> past the time of subscription brought the total up to $32,000 and 3 months 
> to complete. 
> Overview:
> There are basically 3 frames of data for the user interface along with an 
> intro splash page. 
> On the left would be the site navigation which would have a very standard 
> set of links, basically just an XML file being displayed with a Nested 
> relationship between parent and child items.
> To the right would be the main frame which would really have about 10 
> lines of code to say what server to connect to, what quality to stream and 
> what file to pull. Just a basic streaming window.
> Bottom would be a small description panel which is the contents of a 
> database field. Nothing fancy here either.
> Our site is already fully compatible with every mobile device, so the 
> first option for $24,750 doesn’t add any functionality to the site, only 
> makes it a little more user friendly AND I will say having our product show 
> up when people search related keywords in the markets would be great so I 
> do see value there.
> The second and real upgrade would be the ability to download the files. In 
> my basic understanding, this could be done and the files protected by 
> “injecting” some random code into the beginning of the file which the 
> player knows to ignore but if the files were copied to Windows or Mac OS 
> they wouldn’t know to ignore the first 32K of data and playback would fail. 
> Of course this doesn’t need to be done with RTMP streaming, but we do 
> currently store our media files above the public_html for protection.
> Not having ever done a mobile app myself, I don’t have the right answers 
> to the questions and so am going to others in the industry like you guys to 
> see if I am getting ripped off or if the developer knows things I don’t and 
> it justified.
> Below is a link to something similar:
> http://www.dzinepress.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Khan-Academy-for-HP-webOS.jpg
> http://cultofmac.cultofmaccom.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/khan2.jpg

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