Hi Yang

I am using WM97xx codec and has it's ALSA driver worked.
And I also integrated the alsa-lib into my source.  Now the audio
working fine.

But the only thing I wanna know is :
How the asound.conf work and How to write this file.  Now I skip this
config file and wite the configurations directly into my hardware.

If sb get the error:  no such device, please check the alsa-lib
----------  alsa-lib-1.0.13/include/config.h


The old device path is /dev
if Andriod has below update, this value need to be /dev/snd

On 11月26日, 下午5时09分, "Yang, Xiaopeng" <xiaopeng.y...@windriver.com>
> Hi Maxime,
> The ALSA contribution from Wind River includes alsa-lib and
> libaudio-alsa libraries, along with other patches for bionic and system/core.
> Because alsa-lib and libaudio-alsa are new projects, they have been sent to
> Google for integration, and may be available in the repositories soon.
> The other modifications on bionic and system/core have been submitted to
> Gerrit for review:
> --------------------------------------------
> [OK    ] bionic/         
> defaulthttp://review.source.android.com/r/fad1668b10d5
> (as xiaopeng.y...@windriver.com)
> [OK    ] system/core/    
> defaulthttp://review.source.android.com/r/e2ff04fb6804
> (as xiaopeng.y...@windriver.com)
> After above projects and patches have been integrated into andorid, you can
>   build android images with ALSA support. To that end, there are still two
> things need to do:
> 1. A /etc/asound.conf is required for ALSA to work. Attached patch adds a
> sample asound.conf for zoom board, copy this sample file to
> system/core/rootdir/etc/asound.conf and make necessary changes to it
> according to your hardware.
> 2. Add the following line into the BoardConfig.mk of your board:
>      BOARD_USES_ALSA_AUDIO := true
> then rebuild android to see whether ALSA audio work.
> Regards,
> Xiaopeng
> Maxime Petazzoni 写道:
> > Hi Sean,
> > Do you have more information to give us about when and how this code
> > is going to be available? The implementation proposed down here by
> > Misael looks nice too, but I'd like to have a peek about the code you
> > used for the Freerunner, and more importantly how you used it.
> > Thanks in advance,
> > - Maxime
> > On 12 nov, 05:42, Sean McNeil <seanmcne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Hi Maxime,
> >> Wind River is in the process of submitting an ALSA audio implementation.
> >> That is what I use on the Openmoko Freerunner and what has been
> >> successfully used on the TI OMAP Zoom reference platform.
> >> Maxime Petazzoni wrote:
> >>> Hi,
> >>> I believe most of the porting efforts on the various hardware platform
> >>> will soon get to the point (if not already) of a running system ; the
> >>> next step being making sure all the basic functionality is there.
> >>> Audio being one of the most important one, since telephony also
> >>> depends on it.
> >>> Without anything done on that front, we're facing the "using stubbed
> >>> audio hardware, no sound will be produced" warning message when Dalvik
> >>> starts.
> >>> From what I've read, Android relies on an hardware glue library
> >>> libaudio, providing AudioFlinger with the appropriate AudioInterface
> >>> implementation to output sound to whatever sound driver the hardware
> >>> uses. For example, on the HTC G1/MSM72xx hardware platform, Google
> >>> useshttp://android.git.kernel.org/?p=platform/hardware/msm7k.git;a=summary
> >>> But I think most of the Androids ports are made on hardware that have
> >>> ALSA device drivers (OMAP for example). And before 20 different people
> >>> start implementing their own libaudio bridging to ALSA, maybe we
> >>> should coordinate this community effort. Starting by knowing if
> >>> anything has already been started by someone, somewhere :)
> >>> If not, I will most likely start working on one, and I foresee that
> >>> it's going to be tough, as the only real documentation is the msm7k
> >>> libaudio source code itself.
> >>> Ideas, comments, suggestions ... and help are most welcome!
> >>> - Maxime
> >>> PS: of course, if you got audio working without going through this
> >>> libaudio stuff, please share your discoveries !
>  sample_asound_conf.patch
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