On Tuesday, August 2, 2011 4:12:02 AM UTC-4, patrick Immling wrote:

And the way to break down the Android is to rip through the security barrier 
> by means of a privilege escalation.

That's the part that's supposed to be hard.  

Deploying and executing arbitrary unprivileged code isn't supposed to be 
hard.  If there's a way for unprivileged code to become privileged, that's 
the problem that needs to be addressed, and generally is shortly after such 
a way is found.

So I still miss the fact about how such native exploits like what I have 
> done here(you know, manually doing an adb push my exploit binary etc), get 
> distributed?

Applications can write out native executables in their private files area 
and execute them.  This is generally a good thing, as it means that android 
is preserving some of the flexibility of the hardware and underlying 
operating system on which it is built.

Many exploits would not depend on being launched in a new process anyway, 
and could be run in ndk library code called via jni - which is a key 
capability on which not just 3rd party apps, but pieces of the android 
platform interface run within the processes (and thus under the credentials) 
of 3rd party apps depends. 

And how is the Android community preventing this?

As a lot of android devices are unfortunately sold locked down in a way that 
restricts their utility to end users, "the community" has a variety of 
feelings about it.  

Nobody wants security holes on their device for someone else to exploit, but 
many people if purchasing a device that came locked down, want a security 
hole to exist long enough for them to gain full ownership control of it, so 
that they can install something that not only makes the device more useful, 
but also patches that hole (potentially faster than an official upgrade - 
which may or may not ever be offered for that device).

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