Why not use the <style> task???

Its builtin!  :)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher R. Gardner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 8:49 PM
Subject: Problems with <arg line="..."/>

> I'm trying to use Ant 1.4.1 (in Cygwin on a Windows 98) to execute Xalan.
> Specifically, I want to convert an xml file to an html file.  When I run
> command on the command line, everything works as expected (no errors; the
> is translated):
> ****************
> $ java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in greeting.xml -xsl
> greeting_html.xsl -out greeting.html
> ****************
> However, when I try to run this build.xml file (which resides in the same
> directory as the xml, xsl, and html files):
> ****************
> <project name="Hello, World!" default="build" basedir=".">
>     <property environment="env"/>
>     <target name="build">
>         <java classname="org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process">
>             <arg line="-in greeting.xml -xsl greeting_html.xsl -out
> greeting.html"/>
>             <classpath>
>                 <pathelement location="${env.XALAN_BIN}/xerces.jar"/>
>                 <pathelement location="${env.XALAN_BIN}/xalan.jar"/>
>                 <pathelement location="${env.XALAN_BIN}/bsf.jar"/>
>             </classpath>
>         </java>
>     </target>
> </project>
> ****************
> I have the following error:
> ****************
> build:
>      [java]
>      [java] (Location of error unknown)XSLT Error
> loader constraints violated when linking org/xml/sax/InputSource class
> Signal 127
> ****************
> I know Ant is sending some semblance of the arguments because when I make
> change to the build.xml:
> ****************
> <arg value="-in"/>
> ****************
> because I get this error:
> ****************
> build:
>      [java] Missing argument for option: -IN
>      [java]
>      [java] (Location of error unknown)XSLT Error
(java.lang.LinkageError): load
> er constraints violated when linking org/xml/sax/InputSource class
> Signal 127
> ****************
> Xalan needs a set of arguments and a values (e.g., -in greeting.xml -xsl
> greeting_html.xsl -out greeting.html)
> It seems I can't make Ant understand this.  What am I doing wrong?  I've
> tried using an <arg value="..."/> for each argument and file name (e.g.,
> value="-in greeting.xml"/>, but I believe the documentation says you can
> only one instance of an arg.
> Thanks.
> Chris Gardner
> --
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