Has anyone managed to set the classpath attribute for TaskDef?

Eg I wanted to get the MimeMail task to work without having to put j2ee.jar
into %ANT_HOME%\lib
or specify it on the command line when invoking Ant. The doco for Taskdef
(and some posts on
this list) seemed to suggest that the following was correct usage.

        <taskdef name="mimeMail"
                        <pathelement location="${project}/lib/j2ee/j2ee.jar"/>

where ${project}/lib/j2ee/j2ee.jar is where the j2ee.jar resides.
But I just get "Could not create task of type: mimeMail due to
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/mail/Address"

Any suggestions?

William Ferguson
Technical Lead - Workflow Functionality
Versata, Inc.
"Business Logic Development and Management"
Ph     +61 03 9428 0788
Fax    +61 03 9428 0786

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