Dear Agustin,

On 06.10.12 16:52, Agustin Lopez wrote:
> I am carefully reading that interesting thread.
> I will like to test naviserver on our OpenACS / .LRN installation,
> replacing (for test purposes) some AOLserver.
> Can anybody give me an advice? Any config for sample?
You will need naviserver and the postgres driver. Below are the
commands to obtain the newest versions from bitbucket
(using mercurial). Replace tcl and postgres with your
favorite versions.

$ cd /usr/local/src
$ hg clone
$ cd naviserver
$ sh
$ ./configure --with-tcl=/usr/local/src/tcl8.5.12/unix
$ make
$ make install
$ cd /usr/local/src
$ hg clone
$ cd nsdbpg
$ make POSTGRES=/usr/local/pg901/
$ make install

No other modules are needed for OpenACS. More detailed
instructions are in the README file.

 From the bitbucket site, one can as well obtain the sources 
via .zip
or .tar.gz files, in this case, one does not need mercurial (hg)

There are as well tar-releases of naviserver and the
modules from sourceforge
The tar releases do not require "sh",
since they contain already with a "configure" file.

Configuring for OpenACS is easy:  The naviserver repository
contains a sample config file for OpenACS.

You should use a recent version of OpenACS (i would 
recommend the
head version) containing a few adjustments.

Let me know if you need more help.
-gustaf neumann

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