On 2001.09.29, Jim Wilcoxson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't quite understand the value of accepting connections even
> though there is no thread available to service the request (this
> occurs if maxconnections > maxthreads).  From my point of view as a
> webmaster, I will probably set maxconnections and maxthreads equal.
> This way, if a browser hits our site and no thread is available, the
> user will see "contacting blah.com" during the delay and assume there
> is some network problem.  If I set maxconnections > maxthreads and
> maxthreads is too low, users will see "blah.com contacted, waiting for
> reply" and it'll look like our site is slow.  Okay - a bit deceitful.

As a webmaster, in the worst case scenario, I'd rather users think
that the site is slow rather than the site being down.

maxconnections > maxthreads means that the "extra" connections
should be queued, rather than simply not answered, which would
make the site appear to be down.

I'm still curious as to why the busy message was gotten rid of
in the AOLserver 3.x tree ... an extra single thread whose sole
responsibility is to answer connections that are exceeding
maxthreads would be nice.  This way, users don't sit in the
queue too long (or, the queue doesn't fill up and the additional
users get the "connection refused" instead).

> Some people have posted that their server hangs under a load.  You may
> want to try decreasing maxthreads and maxconnections to stress-test
> the "resuming" mechanism.  A typical server with the default
> configuration of maxconnections=100 would probably never get in this
> resuming state.  Or an alternative to avoid the problem would be to
> keep increasing maxconnections until you never see the resuming
> message in your logs.

Interestingly enough, on my Netscape Enterprise Server webservers
at work (which are also multi-threaded) I believe the default
connection queue size is 512.  I wonder what effect on the "hanging
problem" it would have if you set maxconnections to 512 and maxthreads
to 256.

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara                       mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Panoptic Computer Network             web: http://www.panoptic.com/

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