Roberto Mello wrote:
> Wow, this flurry of modules for AOLserver is fantastic! Keep'em coming,
> and thanks for your contributions.

I'm on my way with a quite useful module myself. This will take a week
or two, as I want to clean up the code a bit - it was used internally
for now.

It will allow some of these:
- host based vhosting and file aliasing
- file/socket detaching (*HARDCODED* - Tcl >=8.4 checking will be added
in the near future)
- i18n support (Utf-8 and other encodings handling)
- Tcl based ADP parsing (I'm using it for all of my dynamic pages!)
- URL based statistics - mostly for testing & benchmarking dynamic pages
- async handlers (allows Tcl_Async*() based multithreaded communication)
   (*REQUIRES* Tcl 8.3.4 or 8.4)
- misc utilities

I guess the most important part will be the new vhosting and Tcl based
ADP parsing.

> On Sat, Sep 28, 2002 at 03:23:50PM -0400, Vlad Seryakov wrote:
>>I have two modules for Aolserver:
>>nsmain - IMAP interface, can be used as IMAP client
> That's excellent. Out of curiosity, why "nsmain" instead of something like
> "nsimap"?

I second that question :-)

>>nssnmp - SNMP interface, can be used AS SNMP client, supports ICMP as well
> Hmm, I can see all sorts of interesting applications for this. Again, out
> of curiosity, what have you een using it in production for?

Could you add some DNS support as well? I use scotty for SNMP, ICMP and
DNS, but would gladly move to a NS based library.

(written at Stardate 56745.0)

"Data typing is an illusion. Everything is a sequence of bytes."
                                                              -Todd Coram

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