On Sat, 8 Feb 2003, Nathan Folkman wrote:

> Can someone who has actually used these features help Chris out? Thanks!

> 1.  Can you specify a document root for each host

Yes, and, in fact, you must.  Each virtual server is separate, and there
won't be any "inheritence" of features between them, so if you want a
virtual server to have a particular feature, you must explicitly enable

> 2.  Are all sourced Tcl files available to all hosts or can you
> limit this via config

Not necessarily.  Each virtual server gets its own Tcl interpreters. Any
Tcl you have in ${AOLSERVER_ROOT}/modules/tcl will be sourced by all
virtual servers, per the usual instructions (stuff in the dir is done
alphabetically; subdirs are only loaded if there is a "ns_param <subdir>
Tcl" in the modules section for the virtual).  Stuff in
${AOLSERVER_ROOT}/servers/$server/modules/tcl is strictly per-virtual

> 3.  Can you do name and ip based virtual hosting

Yes.  You can load the nssock module globally, which enables host-based
virtual servers.  Additionally, you can load nssock on a per-module basis
and nail a particular virtual server to a particular IP address.  I don't
believe you have a choice about which nssock instance gets the name-based
virtual servers; it's always the global one.

Scott, want to comment on nsopenssl?

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