I know this subject was addressed a while ago but I'm curious to know if
there has been any resolution to this.

We have setup a linux box running aolserver 3.5 w/ tcl 8.4.2 and have
performed the following tests:

1. Running a very simple perl cgi
2. Running an ADP to do the same as the cgi
3. Running an ADP that execs a command

We hammered the snot of the aolserver in each case and case 1 above leaked
memory (about 2MB a minute at full throtle) - the other two did not leak memory.

In the previous thread it was mentioned that perhaps the leaks were related
to 'exec' in a multithreaded app.  But in this case, execs from tcl did not
result in a leak - only those for the CGI processing.

Does anyone know what could cause this or what a potential solution is?  (Of
course long term we will convert all of our cgis to adps, but that will take
time - we'd like to switch out the webserver before then).

Any information would be most welcome,


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