I am a bit on the sidelines, because of a) time constraints, and b)
we're using ns_shares heavily and so are stuck with TCL 7.x, which is
no longer supported.  (I know there are hacks in TCL 8 for ns_shares,
but when we benchmarked them, they were much slower.  So no compelling
reason to upgrade, for us, at least not yet.)

It seems that one of the main issues facing AS is a lack of people
contributing their time to a group effort.  People are doing things on
their own, mainly for their own needs.  It's understandable.  Tweaking
AS requires a high level of skill, and most of the people with that
skill level have their hands full with their own projects.  But it
seems like having 2 separate versions will make cooperative efforts
harder, not easier.  JMHO.

You know what I think would widen the appeal of AS?  Optimize CGI and
provide easy FastCGI support, or some other mechanism that makes it
very fast and easy to run canned applications: bulletin board
software, etc.  Maybe AS CGI is already good enough to compete with
Apache mod_perl, mod_php, ...  I dunno.  Or maybe it could never
compete.  But if it could, and there were tests/benchmarks to prove
it, it seems that would go a long way to making AS more appealing to
the general "I need a good web server" type of person.  The recent
discusion on the list about how to get an accounting application to
run with mod_perl is a good example: the answer is "you don't need to
use mod_perl or anything like it".  But I think there is confusion for
people evaluating web server software, because mod_perl and mod_php
are accepted as the best way of doing things - on Apache.

We have an application that we've always exec'd; not through CGI, just
exec.  I converted it to a module because I wanted to save some state
info.  I expected a big performance increase too, just because it
would be a module and not need to exec.  But in the initial version,
which was basically the same but implemented as a module instead of
exec, there was hardly any performance difference.  Modules are great
for saving state and doing fancy stuff, but I think there is a general
impression that anything good has to be done as an AS module, and
that isn't true.

Another thing I think would be good are some documented performance
tests with well-known applications.  For example, a benchmark
comparing PHPBB under Apache and AS.  Maybe Apache would beat the
pants off AS - I dunno.  Or we might be surprised.  Or a whole suite
of bulletin-board tests: vbulletin, phpbb, ultimatebb, etc., compared
on several different web servers with the same hardware config.
Published benchmarks are good because: a) they show that standard
applications run b) they give people an idea of how AS compares to
other options.  Even if people aren't planning to run bbs software,
they may be planning to run a large perl or php application, so
knowing that other large applications work well gives people an
extra comfort level.

If it could be shown that AS runs some of these mainstream web
applications better than Apache, the authors of the software would be
likely to recommend AS as a solution on their site, thus increasing
its popularity with little effort.  Of course, if it turns out that AS
performance sucked on these applications, then the goal of getting
more people involved and making the server more appealing to the
masses is misguided, and it would be better to focus on the smaller
group of sites where deploying AS makes sense.


> This *is* a suggestion for cooperative development of two versions in
> the interests of AOL and the community, perhaps with oversight by a
> steering committee if you like.

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