Try the following as a replacement for the current Makefile:

CLEAN   = clean-it
INSTALL = install-it
LIB     = zippy2
LIBOBJS = tclThreadAlloc.o
CFLAGS  += -I$(TCL)/generic

include $(AOLSERVER)/include/Makefile.module

$(LIB): $(OBJS)
       $(LDLIB) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(LIB) $(LIBOBJS)

       $(RM) $(LIBOBJS) $(LIB)

       $(INST) -d $(INSTLIB) -e $(LIB)

You'll need to set "TCL" to point to the Tcl source directory.

One other option, and something you'd have to do if on a Mac, is to simply
replace the tclThreadAlloc.c file in your Tcl source tree with the one
provided here, rebuild Tcl, then build the alloccmd stuff (make -f

Also curious as to what motivated you to look into this in the first place.
Are you experiencing memory issues?

Hope that helps!

- n

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