On 04/04/2008, at 8:44 AM, Cynthia Kiser wrote:
It never occurred to me to try parsing this with Tcl instead. Is there an AOLserver or straight Tcl module I should be using to parse pseudo-CSV? Or is the answer keep it simple and just read lines and split on ยก with 'split'?
Tcl lib has a CSV parser: http://tcllib.sourceforge.net/doc/csv.html. But if the text doesn't contain that character elsewhere and no quoting for values is used, split might work just fine. I was dealing with something exported out of Excel, so if a value contained commas, it would wrap the thing in quotes. Hence a complete CSV implementation was easiest.

To make absolutely, 100% sure you have the correct character to separate on, you could edit the file to just contain that one and read it in.


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