Hi Juan,

That's a good point. I noticed Rami was hosting on 64 bit AMD systems and it is possible that if he were running on a 32 bit architecture the problems he's experiencing might not surface. This could mean a problem with Tcl on 64 bit or something specific to AOLserver. I suspect there are several 64 bit issues with AOLserver that need to be resolved. I'll look into purchasing some 64 bit hardware soon to test with.


On Oct 29, 2008, at 7:26 AM, Juan José del Río wrote:


From my experience, I think the problem may be related with the 64 bits.

I've servers with AOLServer 32 bits, and AOLServer 64 bits, and I have
seen 64 bits growing faster in memory (and even not decreasing through
time), until it takes a considerable amount of memory (then I have to
restart it). Also, around each 2-3 hours, AOLServer will go wild and eat
100% of one CPU core for around 1 minute... but will continue serving
requests slower than usual.

My 32 bits server is a FreeBSD 7, and my 64 bits server is an up-to- date Debian Linux. I don't know if it has something to do with the OS or with
the 32/64 bits, but the fact is that my Debian Linux 64 bits gives
problems that the FreeBSD 32 bits doesn't give.


 Juan José

Juan José del Río    |
(+34) 616 512 340    |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Simple Option S.L.
 Tel: (+34) 951 930 122
 Fax: (+34) 951 930 122

On Wed, 2008-10-29 at 06:53 -0400, Scott Goodwin wrote:
It appears that you have the same problem in all of your servers; the
goal is to find out what part of the code is failing and under what
conditions. Three things stand out: failed servers are under a heavier
load than those that don't exhibit the failure; the failure happens
shortly after shifting a load via pound onto an already running
aolserver instance; the failure happens after a reload of your procs
on that server. Since you've said that none of the loads is heavy I
don't think this problem is triggered by aolserver being overwhelmed
with traffic. This leaves two things: the shifting of the load itself
to an already running aolserver instance and the reloading of the
procs on that aolserver instance. I suspect the problem is related to
reloading the procs with ns_eval, and not due to load shifting or load
volume, but we need to confirm that.

Is there a way you can run an aolserver instance directly answering
queries without using pound? Maybe you could set up a test server that you then use http_load or apache bench on. Once running, hit it with a load and see if it stays up for at least 10-20 minutes. If it does, do
a reload of your procs on that server without doing anything else --
what I expect is that the aolserver instance will crash shortly after
doing the proc reload. You can then restart the server and try it
again, this time reloading the procs immediately. Then repeat, but
reload the procs after 5 minutes or so. In each case, determine how
long it takes the server to crash after the proc reload (make sure the
aolserver instance has started and continues to server connections
before, during and after the reload).

If anyone else is experiencing the same problems, please post your
information along with your configuration.


On Oct 29, 2008, at 5:29 AM, Rami Jadaa wrote:

Hi Scott,
Thanks for your reply.

I don't think that I can send the log as it will be so big , as
AOlserver initiates and load a lot of ACS code...

And for the checksum, we did the following:
Using pound, we shifted the load going to this webserver to another
server on another machine where it uses a different local copy of
the same application, and then after the reload, the server were we
shifted the load to crashed, and the old one didn't!!
So i can take out he doubt on file corruption, right?

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 7:50 PM, Scott Goodwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

       Tcl is attempting to create a new hash table entry on a hash
       table that was either never created or was created but has
       ceased to exist -- most likely the pointer to that hash
       table is null or corrupted. This could be something in
       AOLserver that uses the Tcl_Hash* API. First steps:

       1. Send a copy of the nslog output for a clean startup
       through to the point where it crashes; that might indicate
       where it's getting fouled up. If that portion of the nslog
       is not very long (say no more than 100-150 lines) you can
       cut and paste into the message; otherwise attach it as a
       separate file (but limit it to the smallest necessary size
       -- don't want multimegabyte files).

       2. Do a checksum of all your own Tcl code files used by
       AOLserver on a known good machine and those same Tcl files
       on the bad one; compare the two outputs to see what Tcl
       files on the bad machine differ from the good one.
       Investigate those differences.


       On Oct 28, 2008, at 10:48 AM, Rami Jadaa wrote:

Hello Everyone,

We are running multiple instances of AOLserver on
different machines, and I am enjoying the reload
functionality to reload the proc libraries using ns_eval
source {fileName} in each one of them...

However, one of the AOLservers crashes after few minutes
from the reload.

The strange thing is that this is the only AOLserver that
crashes, while others don't!!! and I noticed that just
before the crash, the following error happens (which means
something in the C breaks, and I am assuming that it could
be in the TCL interpter, Curently tcl 8.4.16  ( not
AOLserver...But this is only an assumption):

"called Tcl_CreateHashEntry on deleted table"

We use this  server to serve multiple domains and have a
pound load balancer in the front  , For example if the
request comes for www.xyz.com we serve xyz service related
site and contents and if the request comes for www.abc.com
we serve abc related contents and site. In total we are
serving around 25 different sites like this . We are not
using any virtual hosting module or feature of Aolserver .
The total traffic of the server is not high .

Any idea anybody!!! Have anyone using the reload
functionality noticed that it could crash the AOLserver?

Environment :
Aolserver 4.0.10 , fetched from CVS almost 6 months
back .
nsoracle Oracle Driver version 2.8a1
nsmysql CVS
Oracle 10gR2  Libraries
AMD x86_64 RHEL 4
Curently tcl 8.4.16 also tried tcl 8.4.11

Please help as this is driving me crazy :(

Thanks in advance
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