Someone wiser than me may correct me on this but I believe this is just a 
notice message.

Each thread can handle 126 connections ([expr $threads_maxthreads * 7]) after 
which the thread will get destroyed.  This is historically done to make sure 
any memory leak doesn't take over the machine, so if something was bad in the 
thread it would only exist for 126 connections then get destroyed.  A new 
thread is then created when it is needed, which will also get destroyed after 
126 connections.

So that message in the logs is just to let you know the thread severed 126 
connections and is being destroyed.

Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 22:49:05 +0800
Subject: [AOLSERVER] What does 'exiting: exceeded max connections per thread' 


Since we moved to Aolserver 4.5.1, we've been getting alot of these on our 
logs: 'Notice: exiting: exceeded max connections per thread'. Does that mean 
that Aolserver is receiving more connections than it can handle? If so, what 
would you recommend us do? Our servers are running on Debian Lenny 64bit with 
3gb ram.

Here's our configurations file:

set nsthread_stacksize     [expr 10*128*1024]
set adp_cachesize          [expr 512*1024]
set threads_maxthreads     18
set threads_minthreads     1
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}"

ns_param   directoryfile   
ns_param   pageroot        $pageroot
ns_param   enabletclpages  true     ;# Parse *.tcl files in pageroot.

ns_param   maxthreads      $threads_maxthreads        ;# Tune this to scale 
your server
ns_param   minthreads      $threads_minthreads         ;# Tune this to scale 
your server
ns_param   maxconnections  [expr $threads_maxthreads * 7]       ;# Max 
connections to put on queue

ns_section "ns/threads"
ns_param   stacksize         $nsthread_stacksize
ns_param   mutexmeter      true
ns_param   maxthreads      $threads_maxthreads        ;# Tune this to scale 
your server
ns_param   minthreads       $threads_minthreads         ;# Tune this to scale 
your server

ns_param   maxconnections  [expr $threads_maxthreads * 7]       ;# Max 
connections to put on queue

Here's our pools.tcl file:

if {[info commands ns_pools] ne ""} {
    set cfgsection "ns/threads"

    set minthreads [ns_config $cfgsection minthreads 0]
    set maxthreads [ns_config $cfgsection maxthreads 10]
    set maxconns   [ns_config $cfgsection maxconns [ns_config $cfgsection 
ConnsPerThread 100]]
    set timeout    [ns_config $cfgsection threadtimeout 120]

    set spread     [ns_config $cfgsection spread 20]
    ns_pools set default -minthreads $minthreads -maxthreads $maxthreads 
-maxconns $maxconns -timeout $timeout -spread $spread
    set cfgsection "ns/server/[ns_info server]"

    ns_log notice "default thread pool: [ns_pools get default]"
    set minbusythreads      [ns_config $cfgsection MinBusyThreads 0]
    set maxbusythreads      [ns_config $cfgsection MaxBusyThreads 10]

    ns_pools set error -minthreads $minbusythreads -maxthreads $maxbusythreads 
-timeout $timeout -maxconns $maxconns -spread $spread
    ns_log notice "error thread pool: [ns_pools get error]"

    if {[info commands ns_limits] ne ""} {
        if {[set maxinput [ns_config $cfgsection/module/nssock maxinput]] ne 
""} {
            ns_limits set default -maxupload $maxinput

        set maxwait         [ns_config $cfgsection MaxWait 100]
        set maxwaittime     [ns_config $cfgsection MaxWaitTime 60]
        ns_limits set default -maxrun $maxthreads -maxwait $maxwait -timeout 

        ns_log notice "default limits: [ns_limits get default]"

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Levy Bajamundi

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