Hi all,
Just wanted to make an official announcement that I will be stepping down
from my position in the Project Management Committee. I have really enjoyed
my time at Apertium, from GSoC projects to Google Code-In mentorship and
have no regrets except for one San Francisco trip with my name on it that
was cancelled due to COVID :p

I thank all of you for maintaining such a welcoming atmosphere at Apertium
and for continuing to work on this project, which I truly believe is a
great public service to all. A special thanks to all my mentors - Francis,
Unhammer, Tino, and everyone who helped me along the way - I will forever
be grateful. :)

With this, I would request you to update this change on the wiki (
https://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Project_Management_Committee), and remove me
from the PMC emailing list.

*तन्मय खन्ना *
*Tanmai Khanna*
Apertium-stuff mailing list

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