Next up on migration tasks, howto process password policy control returned from 
the server.

The 1.x way 

BindResponse bindResponse = bind( ld, userDn, user.getPassword() );
Control cont = bindResponse.getControls().get( (new 
PasswordPolicyRequestImpl()).getOid() );
if ( control == null ){ … }

PasswordPolicyResponse respCtrl = ((PasswordPolicyDecorator)control 

if (respCtrl.hasResponse()){
if (respCtrl.getResponse().getTimeBeforeExpiration() > 0 ){

if (respCtrl.getResponse().getGraceAuthNRemaining() > 0 ){

The 2.x way 

PasswordPolicyResponseFactory factory = ( PasswordPolicyResponseFactory ) 
get( PasswordPolicyResponse.OID );
PasswordPolicyResponse passwordPolicyResponse = factory.newControl();
factory.decodeValue( passwordPolicyResponse, bb.array() );

assertEquals( 1, passwordPolicyResponse.getTimeBeforeExpiration() );
assertEquals( 1, passwordPolicyResponse.getPasswordPolicyError().getValue() );
Before we passed the bind response into the factory.  

The 2.0 tests uses a bytebuffer to decode the response.  I don’t understand how 
to do this within the context of an authN event.

Any ideas here?



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