On 28/11/2010 05:43, Fred Moyer wrote:
> Tests failed to start with Snow Leopard, perl 5.12.2, httpd 2.2.15,
> Apache-Test 1.34.
> Reason: Incompatible library version: mod_apreq2.so requires version
> 12.0.0 or later, but libapreq2.3.dylib provides version 11.0.0
> Looks relevant - was a prereq version bumped for this release? Or is
> my build environment just odd?
> saving config data to apache_test_config.pm
> /Users/phred/dev/sl/httpd2/bin/httpd -d
> /Users/phred/dev/libapreq2-2.13/module/t -f
> /Users/phred/dev/libapreq2-2.13/module/t/conf/httpd.conf -D APACHE2
> using Apache/2.2.15 (prefork MPM)
> waiting 60 seconds for server to start: 00:00httpd: Syntax error on
> line 13 of /Users/phred/dev/libapreq2-2.13/module/t/conf/httpd.conf:
> Cannot load
> into server:
> 10): Library not loaded:
> /Users/phred/dev/sl/httpd2/lib/libapreq2.3.dylib
> Referenced from:
> /Users/phred/dev/libapreq2-2.13/module/apache2/.libs/mod_apreq2.so
> Reason: Incompatible library version: mod_apreq2.so requires version
> 12.0.0 or later, but libapreq2.3.dylib provides version 11.0.0
> waiting 60 seconds for server to start: 00:04^Z

That looks like a MacOS thing...  At least, I've never seen a dylib
before.  It sounds like the same thing that might happen in Perl if a
.xs and .pm get mis-alligned, though (eg, a 1.1 .pm with a 1.2 binary)


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