On Feb 18, 2008 7:33 AM, Brown, Carlton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This question may in fact be generalized to Maven, but I'm wondering if
> there is any reverse lookup mechanism for jar artifacts.   For example,
> I have this mystery dependency called "foo.jar".   Is there a way to
> query a Maven-compliant repository to search on the checksum to
> determine the group, module, revision, etc?   I think Archiva has this
> feature, but could it proxy such a query to the Maven 2 repository?

Archiva does have that feature, but it only works on the content in
its own repositories.  If you have the disk space, you can rsync the
entire central repo locally and point Archiva at it, in which case
Archiva's checksum search feature would do what you wanted.

How do you see proxying a query through to the central Maven repo working?

In the short term, I've found that putting the checksum into a Google
search usually turns up information about the jar.  The central repo
doesn't seem to be showing up on search results, but some other repos
do, as well as various other clues.  I tried it with the md5 and sha1
checksums for the JUnit 3.8.1 jar.


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