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*Apologies for cross-posting.*

Don’t Delay - Take advantage of the Early Bird Registration Fee, register NOW!

Early Bird Registration Deadline is August 8th for the 2014 Northwest Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing Conference! Early Bird Registration fee is $115; Regular Registration is $150. The conference will take place in Portland, Oregon on September 11th and 12th, at Portland Community College, Sylvania Campus. Atlas preconference sessions will be held on September 10th.

This year's program includes:

*DIY Document Delivery | Turner Masland & Molly Blalock-Koral

*Occam’s Reader Pilot Project Update | Ryan Litsey

*X, Y and Z Are Call Numbers, Not Co-Workers: Communicating and Learning Through Generational Differences | Kerry Keegan

*Our popular Ask Anything and Lightning Strike sessions

... and much more!

Our keynote this year is Lori Reed, co-author of Workplace Learning and Leadership: A Handbook for Library and Nonprofit Trainers.

Visit our website to view the full program and register for the conference:

Avoid disappointment by registering NOW! Last year’s conference SOLD OUT!!

We look forward to seeing you!


Heidi Nance
Head, ILL & Document Delivery Services
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA 98195
E |
P | 206-543-4214
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