john hull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One reoccuring theme is that everybody should be paid
the same wage for their labor. Doctor or bagboy,
judge or record store clerk, the only fair way to do
things is for everybody to get the same pay per hour.
I fail to see the wisdom in this.

It is not about wisdom, but about preferences.

These folks have egalitarian preferences, so for their club, everybody is happier if they get the same wage.  If you think otherwise, join some other club.

Think about this as not really being an economic wage, but a club benefit.

If you joined a swimming pool, would it be bad for all members to have equal access to the pool?

> The sentiment seems to revolve around social justice:
No person is worth any other, etc.

So long as this stays within the club, what is the harm?

Why do you want to spoil their fun?

> How would you suggest I argue otherwise.

I would not suggest otherwise.  Of taste there is no disputing.

For example, evidently you like blue lines, and I don't.  There is no point in my trying to change your mind, since that is simply your preference.

Fred Foldvary

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