Perhaps it is just me but calling my faith wrong is more offensive than
calling my economics wrong.

Alex, I am sorry if I misunderstood your intent. I think you do raise a
great question. However the two a little different...

If I am wrong about my belief that the Bible is true (at least the first few
chapters) then what is my cost (risk)? Nothing. It really costs me nothing
to disbelieve the evidence of evolution. However there is risk (cost) in the
other position if it turns out the Bible is right.

In terms of farm subsidies if a person who supports them is wrong (as we
agree he is) then there is a cost to them.

In summary: In terms of religious doctrine related to our origins there is
no cost associated with being wrong however there is a cost related to being
wrong about economics.


-----Original Message-----
From: Anton Sherwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: Republican Reversal

"Gray, Lynn" wrote:
> By saying it was inappropriate I meant it was rude. I am aware of the
> weight of the evidence in regard to human evolution. However, to say
> that those who believe in Biblical creation are  dumb/ignorant is at
> the very least less than good manners.

Worse than saying the same of people with wrong ideas about economics?

Anton Sherwood,

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