I managed to reproduce this now:

Error in (...) : 3 arguments passed to '(' which requires 1
20150123 08:48:49| Could not locate monocell CDF. Will create one for chip type.
20150123 08:48:49|Retrieving monocell CDF...done
> traceback()
5: .writeCdfUnits(con = con, srcUnits, verbose = verbose2)
4: createMonocellCdf.AffymetrixCdfFile(this, ..., verbose = less(verbose))
3: createMonocellCdf(this, ..., verbose = less(verbose))
2: getMonocellCdf.AffymetrixCdfFile(cdf, verbose = Arguments$getVerbose(-8,
       timestamp = TRUE))
1: getMonocellCdf(cdf, verbose = Arguments$getVerbose(-8, timestamp = TRUE))

I'll investigate and fix this asap.


On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 7:37 AM, Henrik Bengtsson <h...@biostat.ucsf.edu> wrote:
> On Jan 23, 2015 7:36 AM, "Henrik Bengtsson" <h...@biostat.ucsf.edu> wrote:
>> This is odd for several reasons, e.g. I'm puzzled how you ended up with a
>> monocell CDF previously but now it gives an error.  Let's troubleshoot
>> more...
>> What does troubleshoot() output directly after you get that error?
> I meant traceback()
>> Henrik
>> On Jan 23, 2015 7:23 AM, "Qingzhou Zhang" <zqznept...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Thanks, Henrik,
>> >
>> > It seems that something went wrong with the monocell cdf file by
>> > troubleshooting:
>> >
>> >
>> > > cdf
>> >
>> > AffymetrixCdfFile:
>> >
>> > Path: annotationData/chipTypes/HG-U133_Plus_2
>> >
>> > Filename: HG-U133_Plus_2,monocell.CDF
>> >
>> > File size: 4.88 MB (5116945 bytes)
>> >
>> > Chip type: HG-U133_Plus_2,monocell
>> >
>> > RAM: 0.46MB
>> >
>> > File format: v4 (binary; XDA)
>> >
>> > Dimension: 182x182
>> >
>> > Number of cells: 33124
>> >
>> > Number of units: 27604
>> >
>> > Cells per unit: 1.20
>> >
>> > Number of QC units: 9
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > So I have deleted the previous monocell cdf file in
>> > annotationData/chipTypes/HG-U133_Plus_2 and re-create it by the following:
>> >
>> > cdf <- AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType("HG-U133_Plus_2")
>> >
>> > cdfM <- getMonocellCdf(cdf, verbose = Arguments$getVerbose(-8, timestamp
>> > = TRUE))
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > However, the above process also failed, here is the output:
>> >
>> > > cdfM <- getMonocellCdf(cdf, verbose = Arguments$getVerbose(-8,
>> > > timestamp = TRUE))
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:53|Retrieving monocell CDF...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:53| Monocell chip type: HG-U133_Plus_2,monocell
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:53| Locating monocell CDF...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:53|  Pathname:
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:53| Locating monocell CDF...done
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:53| Could not locate monocell CDF. Will create one for
>> > chip type...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:53|  Creating monocell CDF...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:53|   Chip type: HG-U133_Plus_2
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:53|   Validate (main) CDF...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:54|   Validate (main) CDF...done
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:55|   Adding temporary suffix from file...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:55|    Pathname:
>> > annotationData/chipTypes/HG-U133_Plus_2/HG-U133_Plus_2,monocell.CDF
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:55|    Suffix: .tmp
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:55|    Rename existing file?: FALSE
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:55|    Temporary pathname:
>> > annotationData/chipTypes/HG-U133_Plus_2/HG-U133_Plus_2,monocell.CDF.tmp
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:55|   Adding temporary suffix from file...done
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:55|   Number of cells per group field: 1
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:55|   Reading CDF group names...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:55|   Reading CDF group names...done
>> >
>> >              used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
>> >
>> >    Ncells  603933 32.3     899071 48.1   741108 39.6
>> >
>> >    Vcells 1027587  7.9    1757946 13.5  1424724 10.9
>> >
>> >             used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
>> >
>> >    Ncells 549349 29.4     899071 48.1   899071 48.1
>> >
>> >    Vcells 945722  7.3    1757946 13.5  1424724 10.9
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|   Number of cells per unit:
>> >
>> >       Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
>> >
>> >          1       1       1       1       1       1
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|   Reading CDF QC units...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|   Reading CDF QC units...done
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|   Number of QC cells: 5385 in 9 QC units (0.1MB)
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|   Total number of cells: 60060
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|   Best array dimension: 246x245 (=60270 cells, i.e.
>> > 210 left-over cells)
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|   Creating CDF header with source CDF as template...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|    Setting up header...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|     Reading CDF header...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|     Reading CDF header...done
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|     Reading CDF unit names...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|     Reading CDF unit names...done
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|    Setting up header...done
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|    Writing...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|     destHeader:
>> >
>> >      List of 12
>> >
>> >       $ ncols      : int 245
>> >
>> >       $ nrows      : int 246
>> >
>> >       $ nunits     : int 54675
>> >
>> >       $ nqcunits   : int 9
>> >
>> >       $ refseq     : chr ""
>> >
>> >       $ chiptype   : chr "HG-U133_Plus_2"
>> >
>> >       $ filename   : chr
>> > "annotationData/chipTypes/HG-U133_Plus_2/HG-U133_Plus_2.cdf"
>> >
>> >       $ rows       : int 1164
>> >
>> >       $ cols       : int 1164
>> >
>> >       $ probesets  : int 54675
>> >
>> >       $ qcprobesets: int 9
>> >
>> >       $ reference  : chr ""
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|     unitNames:
>> >
>> >       chr [1:54675] "AFFX-BioB-5_at" "AFFX-BioB-M_at" "AFFX-BioB-3_at"
>> > "AFFX-BioC-5_at" ...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|     qcUnitLengths:
>> >
>> >       num [1:9] 15966 174 230 1658 69 ...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:56|     unitLengths:
>> >
>> >       num [1:54675] 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 ...
>> >
>> >                used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
>> >
>> >      Ncells  561416 30.0     984024 52.6   899071 48.1
>> >
>> >      Vcells 1120064  8.6    1925843 14.7  1515846 11.6
>> >
>> >                used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
>> >
>> >      Ncells  562232 30.1     984024 52.6   899071 48.1
>> >
>> >      Vcells 1010995  7.8    5484388 41.9  6516658 49.8
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:57|    Writing...done
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:57|   Creating CDF header with source CDF as
>> > template...done
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:57|   Writing QC units...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:57|    Rearranging QC unit cell indices...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:57|     Units: 20150123 21:47:57|
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:57|    Rearranging QC unit cell indices...done
>> >
>> >              used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
>> >
>> >     Ncells 562529 30.1     984024 52.6   984024 52.6
>> >
>> >     Vcells 994748  7.6    3510008 26.8  6516658 49.8
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:57|   Writing QC units...done
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:57|   Number of units: 54675
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:57|   Argument 'ram': 1.000000
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:57|   Average unit length: 116.000000 bytes
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:57|   Number of chunks: 2 (34482 units/chunk)
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:57|   Reading, extracting, and writing units...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:57|    Chunk #1 of 2 (34482 units)
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:57|    Reading CDF list structure...
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:47:59|    Reading CDF list structure...done
>> >
>> >  => RAM: 132MB
>> >
>> > Error in (...) : 3 arguments passed to '(' which requires 1
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:48:01| Could not locate monocell CDF. Will create one for
>> > chip type...done
>> >
>> > 20150123 21:48:01|Retrieving monocell CDF...done
>> >
>> > ...

When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.

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