Hi Björn 

I have just added some documentation that describes loading in two examples
one of these is the one you have used (NC_008783):

I did not experience the problem you seem to have with feature types.
However I had to manually add 'processed_transcript' to the SO CvTerm.

I am not sure what feature types = 1 is in you case but Artemis currently
only looks at these types to build the database manager for features that
contain residues that can be launched:


It may be better to try to fix the feature types problem you had and then


On 2/24/09 5:41 PM, "Björn Nystedt" <bjorn.nyst...@ebc.uu.se> wrote:

> Hi, 
> I am trying to set up a GMOD chado database to read/write using Artemis. I
> admit not being a very experienced database user, so maybe I am missing
> something obvious. Anyway.
> I start Artemis using
>   art -Dchado="localhost:5432/annotation?bjorns"
> -Djdbc.drivers=org.postgresqlver -Dibatis
> and feeds my database password.
> This appear to work ok in the sense that there are no error messages. However,
> in the database list at the top left, there is only an unnamed folder, and
> clicking this folder nothing happens except an error appears in the terminal
>   'Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
>    ...'
> The database I am using is a postgresql (v8.1.16, as I understand there was a
> problem with gmod and v8.3?), setup with the GMOD schema (gmod-1.0, from
> http://www.postgresql.org/download/):
>   perl Makefile.PL
>   make
>   sudo  make install
>   make load_schema
>   make prepdb    
>   make ontologies
> This appear to work as far as I can decide.
> A test dataset was loaded into the database by first manually setting the
> organism:
>   INSERT INTO organism (abbreviation, genus, species, common_name,
> organism_id) VALUES ('B.bacilliformis', 'Bartonella', 'bacilliformis', 'BB',
> 8783);
> then converting a genbank file to gff and load the gff data into the database
>   perl bp_genbank2gff3.pl NC_008783.gbk --noCDS -o .
>   gmod_bulk_load_gff3.pl  --organism 'BB' --noexon  --gfffile
> NC_008783.gbk.gff --recreate_cache
> After the upload the database does contain data that makes sense as far as I
> can tell, and it is possible to backup the database. (There is for some reason
> a problem with feature types in gmod_bulk_load_gff3.pl: for now I made an ugly
> hardcoding to set all feature types = 1. line755)
> Any idea on how to get Artemis to find the data in the database is
> appreciated!
> Best
> Björn Nystedt

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