I am trying to set up a GMOD chado database to read/write using Artemis. I 
admit not being a very experienced database user, so maybe I am missing 
something obvious. Anyway. 

I start Artemis using 
  art -Dchado="localhost:5432/annotation?bjorns" 
-Djdbc.drivers=org.postgresqlver -Dibatis          
and feeds my database password.
This appear to work ok in the sense that there are no error messages. However, 
in the database list at the top left, there is only an unnamed folder, and 
clicking this folder nothing happens except an error appears in the terminal
  'Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException

The database I am using is a postgresql (v8.1.16, as I understand there was a 
problem with gmod and v8.3?), setup with the GMOD schema (gmod-1.0, from 
  perl Makefile.PL
  sudo  make install 
  make load_schema 
  make prepdb      
  make ontologies  
This appear to work as far as I can decide.

A test dataset was loaded into the database by first manually setting the 
  INSERT INTO organism (abbreviation, genus, species, common_name, organism_id) 
VALUES ('B.bacilliformis', 'Bartonella', 'bacilliformis', 'BB', 8783);
then converting a genbank file to gff and load the gff data into the database
  perl bp_genbank2gff3.pl NC_008783.gbk --noCDS -o .
  gmod_bulk_load_gff3.pl  --organism 'BB' --noexon  --gfffile NC_008783.gbk.gff 

After the upload the database does contain data that makes sense as far as I 
can tell, and it is possible to backup the database. (There is for some reason 
a problem with feature types in gmod_bulk_load_gff3.pl: for now I made an ugly 
hardcoding to set all feature types = 1. line755)

Any idea on how to get Artemis to find the data in the database is appreciated!

Björn Nystedt

Björn Nystedt (Sällström)
PhD Student
Molecular Evolution
EBC, Uppsala University
Norbyv. 18C, 752 36  Uppsala
phone: +46 (0)18-471 45 88
email: bjorn.nyst...@ebc.uu.se

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