In the options file the display_name_qualifiers flag defines the order of
the names of qualifiers to search. This is currently set to:

display_name_qualifiers = primary_name Name synonym systematic_id \
     temporary_systematic_id gene locus_tag label ID

So it will show Name if one exists otherwise ID and you can configure
your own preferred order here.

You can do a bulk change of qualifier names. From the Edit menu 'Qualifier
of Selected Features'->'Convert...' will allow you to change qualifier
names for selected features.


On 8/19/11 8:07 PM, "Steven Sullivan" <> wrote:

> New user of Artemis, so I hope I'm not missing something obvious.
> I've been given .gff files to use as Entries for a set of chromosome
> sequences, but I find that the supplier has been very inconsistent in
> how they qualify tags of features, e.g. sometimes the accession # or
> product name is put in one tag (usually either 'Name' or 'ID'),
> sometimes in the other. As a result when I show 'gene name' the
> results are all over the map, as are the labels under the graphics.
> The current documentation says that "The "gene name" is actually the
> /label qualifier of the feature. If there is no /label then the /gene
> qualifier is used. If neither of the qualifiers exists then the key is
> used."
> As it happens my .gffs use neither of these qualifiers as tags or
> qualifiers (I'm guessing Artemis is geared more towards Genbank/EMBL
> feature tables than gffs).  Is there a way to set Artemis to look for
> a gene name in a different way?  Or or a method in Artemis to
> bulk-transfer/bulk edit qualifiers?
> -- 
> Dr. Steven Sullivan
> Center for Genomics & Systems Biology
> New York University
> 12 Waverly Place
> New York, NY 10003

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