
On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 09:47:16AM -0600, Kevin Meinert wrote:
> Was wondering if arts supports multithreading.  i.e.  imagine 1000 sound
> sources, each with a filter, all triggered at once, will I be able to
> take advantage of a system sporting 24 processors, assigning about 41
> source/filter groups to each processor?

Well, the new GSL engine which is being integrated into the aRts source
tree is designed to support this, so eventually, if all modules are adapted
accordingly, aRts will allow this. Right now, this is pretty much under
development, i.e. we do not know if the scheduler we have (Tim and me are
mainly responsible for the design/code) will indeed improve the performance
if you run on more than one CPU, or if the whole benefits get lost somewhere
in locking, problems with memory synchronization between CPUs and so on.

> Also wondering if the core arts library will compile under IRIX, Mac, or
> Win32.  I see a lot of KDE mentioned on your page, but I don't see a
> list of "these systems supported" -> i.e. what if I just want to use
> the c++ interface in my software applications, where will it compile?...

Yes, I know, quite a bit of focus is on KDE because thats by far the largest
amount of users. Whereas I am sure IRIX is supported (because somebody sent
me a patch for SGI audio output), Mac and Win32 will require your own
initiative as nobody is currently doing anything on these platforms (at least
not that I know of). Of course, how much work it is to get things running also
depends on whether you want to use cygnus or not, what exactly you want to
compile and so on.

I would of course integrate portability patches for Win32 or Mac, if they
don't mess up the source badly, however, I am not really actively putting
work into that direction - I don't (need/want to) use windows anyway, so why
port aRts there? ;)

   Cu... Stefan
  -* Stefan Westerfeld, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (PGP!), Hamburg/Germany
     KDE Developer, project infos at http://space.twc.de/~stefan/kde *-         

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