> If there is a problem with apache::asp, it is the name.  Everyone assumes
> ASP=Microsoft.   More perl programmers would flock to this, if they
> could just get past the name. :)

In fact ASP was designed by Microsoft (i think) and as Josh said, he has 
only ported the API to Perl - which is what we were all looking for.

That other people think, that ASP=Microsoft,VBScript,JScript is just 
because they all don't know what they are working with.

Microsoft's ASP goes along with the WindowsScriptingHost and 
ActiveX-Objects ie ADODB.Connection and much more strange Windows-stuff.

If i try to port this to Linux-Apache i would fail on many points.
Porting to Windows-Apache isn't worth the work (as nobody i know would 
run Apache under Windows).

I don't see any reason to change the Name of Apache::ASP - this name 
should also lead to the conclusion, that Apache::ASP is a perl-module 
(if some of the common ASP-people would look over the border and would 
see that there's perl out there).

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