guess, the first step should be the ulfa and the other insurgent groups shunning violence, laying down arms...yeah they could be given general amnesty for that....atleast that'd boost up the investor's confidence....
..i have this 'assamese' friend of mine who's planning a start-up. asked him whether he's going to set it up at assam. he just replied ...'and give all my money to those bunch of ulfa boys..nah! i have got better plans for my money'....if that's what the assamese people thinks...can't imagine what the outsiders think about investing in assam.

mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Grow up--FAST.

If you or any in the Assamnet or beyond have any ideas on HOW to rebuild Assam or India -Shoot at me -not with a gun-but intelligently.I shall record these and present the essence at anappropriate time and venue.

If you have any objection about ULFA- ask yourself why India continues with a million strong armed forces--and spends literally evey Dollar"Earned" from the effort of  millions sent out to slave in the 1st world-- in keeping this 'Armed Forces, supplied and equipped-- knowing fully well that these will not be defending anybody,anywhere,anytime.And ask yourself if GeorgeWBush is a leader or a pusher or what?And ask why there is any unrest anywhere at all--come with an unified theory--you might even rank with Amartya Sen Types.



From: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Assam] Fwd: Study on Assam -Centre for Policy Alternatives
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2005 11:49:04 -0600

>I hope you are not thinking of ULFA's gunmen as the cure-makers.

**** Is Indian government run by the gunmen in its military?

Is America's?, Is China's? Is Vietnam's? Is South Africa's?

There indeed ARE dumb questions, in spite of the fact that charitable people like to say there are none.. And this surely fits the bill.

At 5:38 PM +0000 10/30/05, umesh sharma wrote:
Who are these people and what is their cure -- I hope you are not thinking of ULFA's gunmen as the cure-makers.
mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Some people know much more than what is listed in this report-since 1960's.
This report does not  venture into the realms of CURE.
Some other people know the' modus operandi' for cure.
Back them if you love Assam and  want to save India from disintegratingto a bombed out heap.

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