Dear Mahanta da

Here is my response to the points you raised.

1) The total absence of a feeling of bonhomie and
camaraderie among different people  will completely
vitiate the atmosphere and mutual distrust and
acrimony will reach its zenith in sovereign Assam. You
can't put the blame solely on GoI for that.

2) Let me accept for arguments sake that I am being
obsequious to some system or culture. But you have
already surrendered yourself to a pernicious belief
whose impact will be disastrous for the people for
whom you are acting as spokesman. Worse, you have also
surrendered yourself to sophistry and casuistry in
order to defend your specious arguments. My servitude
is not harmful for others, but yours can spell havoc
in peoples' lives. Of course you will not be affected.
You will probably be busy dishing out justification
from your armchair for any mishap which is bound to

3) I never ruled out exception while listing out
strengths and weaknesses of Assamese . Those things
pertain to majority of the people I am sure you are
intelligent enough to understand that. You are raising
the issue to just for the heck of it  or may be to
make it look like an elaborate refutation. But looks
can be deceptive at times.

4) Why you two brothers? Because you two are most
visible and vociferous supporters of sovereign Assam
on assamnet.

5) Cultural mistrust is one of the many important
reasons why Assam should not think of becoming a
sovereign country. I think I have explained the
reasons several times before. 

Let me stick my neck out and place it on record again.
I am the last person to accept that whatever is being
done towards Assam by GoI as fair. But I also strongly
feel that sovereign Assam will further aggravate the
problems and situation will be messier and stickier
with our peoples' blood. I don't want the
corroboration of that dangerous dream of sovereign
Assam at the cost of terrible bloodshed. Hence my
choice is a conscious one and you may call it as a
selection of the lesser evil out of the two options



--- Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 9:17 AM -0800 11/7/05, mayur bora wrote:
> >I can't agree more with Rajen da's comment on the
> >attitude of caste Hindu Assamese people towards the
> >tribes of Assam.
> ***  I join you there Mayur.  But what does that 
> have to do with Assam's sovereignty aspirations?
> BTW, caste Hindus' mistreatment of their fellow 
> men was not limited to the  indigenous people of 
> Assam alone, but fell on their own brethren who 
> did not quite cut it as their equals.
> Now take a wild guess on where these ideas came 
> from, where they are still nurtured and is a 
> major force in politics and governance? Did you 
> hear about the Muslim village pillaged and 
> several Muslims incinerated by mobs in UP, on the 
> RUMOR that they slaughtered cows for celebrating 
> ID, and turns out there was no truth to the 
> rumors?
> And if I am not mistaken, you submit yourself to 
> that very culture in an abject display of 
> servitude, don't you?
> >When I listed out the weaknesses of
> >Assamese people sometime back on assamnet, this was
> >the first weakness cited by me.
> *** This is not a 'weakness' of ALL the people of 
> Assam. It is of only a certain segment. Also, 
> such ill-treatment and discrimination is possible 
> only by those who wield POWER, be it political,be 
> it economic, be it religious.
> >  I would be very happy
> >if Mahanta da-s (both CM and MM)can a provide any
> >realistic and workable solution to dispel the
> >legitimate feeling of mistrust among many of the
> >tribal people towards caste Hindu Assamese.
> *** Why me or my brother? Why not YOU?  Why not 
> Rajen?  But I have explained. If you don't agree, 
> tell us why. If you could not understand, ask. I 
> will be pleased to try and explain again. But to 
> go about repeating your Mantra, without any 
> explanation could paint an unflattering picture 
> of your deliberative skills.
> *** Are you attempting to suggest here that 
> because of this CULTURAL mistrust between the 
> indigenous people  and the caste Hindus, Assam 
> has forfeited its sovereignty aspirations? Is 
> that your best argument
> a trump card on your stand against Assam's
> sovereignty?
> If it is, you need to work on it much harder 
> Mayur :-). Because the political fracture is not 
> caused by cultural chauvinism of the Assamese, 
> but purely because of (not) sharing of the 
> spoils, even though the seeds of mistrust might 
> have been planted in the past. In that it is the 
> REIGNING political culture that is the real 
> culprit, and it transcends 
> caste/subcaste/religious boundaries with all 
> having their fingers in the pot.
> Furthermore, this culturally based Assamese 
> chauvinism is on its way out anyway from what I 
> hear. Is it not true? But under the operative 
> system there isn't a snowball's chance in hell 
> that it will be eradicated or even ameliorated.
> >
> >When
> >people don't have any specific solution at sight,
> they
> >try to conjure up unattainable dreams and try hard
> to
> >sell them on the ephemeral strength of jugglery of
> >words or by promising some kind of panacea which is
> >unrealistic and basically flawed.
> *** That surely is the judgement of a superior 
> intellect, rendering his verdict.
> But can you explain:
>       *** Why sovereignty aspirations are flawed?
>       *** What are unattainable dreams, and should
> attainability be the
>       first consideration or the only consideration of a
> dream?
>       *** Who is attempting to peddle 'words' here,
> without any substance
>       behind it? You or me?  Not that I like to rub it
> in, but could you
>          answer the questions I raised about YOUR
> words in my last post? By
>       avoiding a response did you or did you not prove
> that your words were
>       the 'fwpwla', hollow ones, not mine :-)?
> >Sovereighnty is not the panacea as they try hard 
> >to make us believe. Sooner we >understand this 
> >is better.
> *** First of all, no one is seeking a panacea, 
> except perhaps those who believe that their 
> servitude is the panacea that will deliver them 
> into a bright new world with handouts from their 
> Mai-Baap at Hastinapur :-). But be that as it 
> may, why don't YOU tell us WHY and WHAT 
> sovereignty will NOT deliver for Assam?
> When you do, you could claim a right to your 
> conclusions and your august verdicts. Failing 
> which it would be another round of 'potaan dhan', 
> that might fool or delight those blind ducks, but 
> few others.
> cm :-)
> >When
> >people don't have any specific solution at sight,
> they
> >try to conjure up unattainable dreams and try hard
> to
> >sell them on the ephemeral strength of jugglery of
> >words or by promising some kind of panacea which is
> >unrealistic and basically flawed. Sovereighnty is
> not
> >the panacea as they try hard to make us believe.
> >Sooner we understand this is better.
> >
> >Mayur
> >
> >--- mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >---------------------------------
> >
> ><<<<I would say these reflect the same caste Hindu
> >Assamese insensitive attitude towards the other sub
> >ethnic groups in Assam: "we know better what they
> >want."  Exactly it is for this Assamese attitude
> for
> >which Assamese lost not only the Nagas, Khasis and
> >Khamtis but also are loosing the Bodos, Mishings,
> >Karbis, Tiwangs, Ravas and all. I can cite many
> >examples of such insensitive remarks from caste
> Hindu
> >Assamese leaders from last 100 years Assam
> political
> >history.>>>>
> >
> >Wrong at every thought.
> >
> >We will create Family Republics but they will have
> to
> >print their own currency.
> >
> >mm
> >
> >mm
> >
> >
> >
> >---------------------------------
> >From: "Barua25" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "mc mahant"
> >CC: <>
> >Subject: Re: [Assam] Assam's Ancient Links with
> >Mainland India
> >Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2005 10:16:16 -0600
> >
> >
> >>Patently erroneeous assumptionS.
> >
> >>Even Delhi stopped this scary lines .
> >
> >>100% will agree to Sovereignty.
> >*** Here are too many assumptions for the question
=== message truncated ===

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