"Fritz Borgstedt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>>Now if I want to just block that one email, and not penalize
>>the entire IP block, I would have to set PenaltyDuration to 0.  Then
>>next email coming from that IP will be processed as normal.
>>However, and here is the however, if I use the PB in that
>>configuration, I
>>cannot use the PB in order to block misbehaving IPs based on several
> Ok, in the last version is a checkbox:
> Use the Combined Scores per Message to Block
> Now you can do both in what combination you ever think of. Most of the
> check have the *score only* feature already (including
> rbl,spf,bomb,sendervalidation). I would be thankful if you give me a
> good text to explain this checkbox.

Wow - thanks Fritz!  I'll have to play around with it a little when I get 
some time (hopefully next week....).

For the checkbox how does this sound:
Use combined test scores to determine if email is spam
If this option is selected, the PB scores for all tests are combined to 
determine if an email should be considered as Spam.  This allows you to 
assign different weights to individual tests so that no one test will 
automatically cause an incoming email to be considered as spam, but rather 
the combination of any failed test scores.  If the combined score is greater 
than << Threshold Value Parameter Name Goes Here (would expect it to be a 
diff Threshold Value than the orig PB) >>, the mail will be blocked.

Does that sound clear / appropriate?



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