>>So.. if the spammer try again it goes on whitelist ?!  It doesn't
>>seem good.
Yes. Would be stupid. ASSP is not stupid.
>>Does it work in this (bad) way ?
No :)
But  if the spammer retries, he will be accepted for a smtp handshake.
If   it   fails   (Bad   Helo, Errorrs etc.) he will be dropped and PB
score  will rise and his Greyliting entry is deleted, so he has to try
at least 2 more times.
After  The  helo,  header  and the message body are checked by various
test.  If  he  fails,  he  got  a  PB score and is marked as spamm (in
testmode) or completely blocked.
If   he   tries   again   and   his   PB-socre  is over the limit, his
connections  to  your  server  will  imidiatly  be rejected - until PB
embargo time runs out.

Greylisting  will  catch  lot  of virus stuff and stupid spammers. The
other test will catch the remaining spam.


Matti Haack - Hit Haack IT Service Gmbh
Poltlbauer Weg 4, D-94036 Passau
+49 851 50477-22 Fax: +49 851 50477-29

Registergericht Passau HRB 5678
USt. ID: DE195625715

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