>> Just for the record I have the thunderbird issue as well.  I am also
>> getting timeout / closing the connection issues with various mails
>> coming many times or not at all.
>Just a note, I've had the same timeout problems and have moved to 2 
>(Which fixed the timeout issues with attachments), but I only moved my 
>spam/notspam and whitelists.  I'm struggling now with broken block reports.

Timeouts here with too. It worked fine till a few months ago, now
because of timeouts part of the mail arrives with long (hours) delays. I had
to increase maximum cuncurrent smtp sessions or my assp just stopped
responding. Maybe timeouts are related to attachments, can't tell. But it's
quite normal in 2011 ppl receives mail with photos and other attachment. So
10 or 20 megabytes email are quite common.

Additionally (don't know if it's related) I see a drop in RBL detection.
Maybe spammers are just getting smarter.

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