On Tue, Oct 07, 2003 at 04:40:36AM -0500, Steven Critchfield wrote:
> What point do you feel that a user is too advanced to us your wizard, or
> at what point do you think a user of your wizard will be more pissed at
> being hindered by the product than helped?
> I'm not trying to insult you, or necessarily put down what you want to
> do. I just feel that it is way to simplistic to think a wizard will make
> anyone happy but a small fraction of users. If you 
> -- 
> Steven Critchfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good suggestions for changing his program.

I strongly believe this kind of "coddling" will be helpfull to many more people that 
you expect. First, a large number of people are coming in with the "I saw * and want 
to try to do a ??? phone" or "I have a X100P and want to do". Those are realy 
(according to you old timers) trivial. Most of them are looking for help getting 
started...here is that start. Many will only need to run through a simple config and 
can them look at the conf files for more "advanced" setups.
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