John Brown (CV) wrote:

Hi List,

I had a wonderful meeting with GS's President last week
and he is very interested in feedback on what top features,
functions, bugs the community would like to see in upcoming

Please keep in mind that adding new features take time to develop, test and such.

So please rate your ideas on a scale of 1-10

1 = Nice to have some day

10 = Got to have it right now

Things like ring tones and fixing call waiting are already
on the list. :)

Lets also keep the replys away from gripes and complaints
and more towards constructive comments.

I'll be taking the results and sending GS a summary.

John Brown,
Chagres Technologies, Inc

Buy your VoIP hardware from us
email: sales at chagres d0t net for quotes

Hi John,

My biggest issue is a hardware issue and is the single biggest reason why I have not been able to sell the GS phones into a company and that is the 10Mbps ethernet ports.. I guess if you are using the 101 then its not much of an issue but the whole cost saving is to cut down on wiring costs so the only model we even look at it the 102.. I don't have a single client that runs 10Mbps ethernet in their offices anymore and to tell them that the phone will downgrade their network speed to 10Mbps puts them off the phone straight away..

Staying with hardware, the screen needs to be angled a little to make it easier to read and needs to support more digits, and the buttons need to be easier to press..

Here are my suggestions for firmware updates..

10 - Support for open low bandwidth codecs, specifically iLBC and GSM.

10 - Consultative Transfer.

7 - A nice feature of the Snom phones is the ability to type in the number with the handset still down and then the number is dialed when the handset is lifted or the OK button is pressed. This way you can take as long as you like to dial a number.. GS have the send/dial button so this feature should not be hard to add.. Adding to this.. it would be nice to be able to go through the "Called" and "Callers" call logs with the handset down and then when on the number you want to dial just lift the handset..

5- Config refresh, apply config settings (even some of then) without needing to reboot the phone. Mark on the config page which settings will require a reboot to take effect..

3 - Show the text part of the CallerID..(Think this may be a hardware issue or limitation)

Fianally hardware support..
I had a power supply go on one of my GS phones, I purchased that phone from GS's agent in the US before there was anywhere to buy the phones in the UK, I contacted GS and then appologised and asked for my address, I assumed that was so I could be sent a replacement, I sent them my address..Now months later I have sent follow up emails which never get a response and I still don't have a replacement power supply.. so maybe you can speak to the president about that too..

That should about do it..


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