> > >Once you go this route, you can ignore the local filesystem problem and
> > But you still want handset playback, so you'd want the ability to get the
> > "next" message from the mailbox.  If you still store a local copy you
> > haven't solved the defragment problem.
> Why store a local copy?  

Speed, and there might possibly be messages in a folder that did not
come from asterisk - was just thinking how to skip over them.  May not
be neccesary at all, if asterisk put a special X-Asterisk-Voicemail
header in all its messages.  Cyrus (don't know about others) supports
content indexed folders.

> You get prev/next message by ctime or mtime, which 
> time IMAP server provides for you effortlessly.  I've certainly not had any 
> problems with message ordering in the order they were created on my IMAP 
> server...

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