Hi. Can anyone help me with the following:
exten => *80,2,SetGlobalVar(OFFICEHOURS=100)
exten => *80,2,SetGlobalVar(OFFICEHOURS=200)
exten => s,1,GotoIf($[${OFFICEHOURS} = 100}]?incoming-officehours:incoming-officehours-off
1. Am I using the right sytanx when I set the global variable OFFICEHOURS
2. Am I using the right syntax when I use the GotoIf, PRoblem is that the GotoIf conditions seems to evaluate to 0 no matter what OFFICEHOURS is set to. The CLI output is as follows:
Executing GotoIf("blabla", "0?incoming-officehours:incoming-officehours-off") in new stack. I am assuming the 0 means the conditional _expression_ is evaluated to false i.e. 0

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