Sorry... I was a bit in a hurry, and indeed I cannot expect all list readers to know about shell scripts... will elaborate a bit more in the future.

I noticed you removed the sox resample -ql options, which on my studio recorded .wav files helped a bit, also It might be sensible to add a -c 1 to make sure sox will convert a stereo file to a single channel .gsm

Regards, Michiel

Shoval Tom wrote:

Olle, I can't reach the faq page, and haven't been able to for the last four
I'm getting 504 gateway timeout errors.

Any ideas?

Btw, the first answer I got worked, I mistook ` for ' (newbie error, I

To be more specific for you newbies out there

Create a file containing:

----copy below this line
for i in *.wav; do sox $i `basename $i .wav`.gsm;done
----up to this line

save it in your path, or in the directory containing the files you want to

do a chmod +x filename (where filename is the name of your saved file)

now you can run it while in the directory and it'll convert all *.wav files
for you.

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