How much arrogance...
I'm very sad that they are such people on this otherwise great distribution
Maybe you are a big *nix expert , but this does not give you the right to
talk like that with the other ones.
I have never seen Mark or any other really big *nix specialist to talk like
that with the other list members. They try to help as much as possible and
not to destroy (even just in words) what other peoples build.
What you're afraid of? If your software is so good and works on any possible
platform, then you must be confident that NO ONE,  NOWHERE, NEVER will be
able to build something better than you.

Still best regards,
P.S. By the way.. better keep on eye on your site and check that they are
some broken links.
Technology is not enough....
Just an example: Broadband phone:
HTTP 404...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeremy McNamara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] New IAX software phone (for WIndows platform)

> David Gomillion wrote:
> >Let's keep this positive.  Somebody took the time to try to make
> >something useful.  He's not charging for it.
> >
> >If you don't like it, don't use it.  If you have a problem with VB, port
> >it to C.
> >
> >
> I don't plan on using it. I will use mine, which is created in wxWindows
> and C++ and will run on Winsucks, UN*X and Mac.
> Yes, someday it will get released, maybe even the code if people are nice.
> Jeremy McNamara
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