On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 02:52:04PM -0700, Jared Smith wrote:
>> Rather than telling newbies (especially the technically challenged) to
>> "google for it", we could send them a link to the ebook and tell them to
>> run the search in Acrobat reader to find the answer.  Anybody want to
>> start a thread building the outline for the book?
> Leif Madson and I are (slowly) working on getting something in place to
> do just that... Feel free to join us in in #asterisk-doc to hammer out
> details, ideas, etc.

please please please if you are going to write something like that, 
write it using something like texinfo or groff or docbook or whatever
so that you can make it available in a wide variety of formats. 
you should not have to run non-free software in order to be able to
search the documentation (and no, acroread is not free software)

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