>> Amsterdam!!

> I had my laptop and suitcase stolen in Amsterdam the one time I went
> there, after hearing someone talk about how safe a city it was over
> dinner.  Most importantly, also stolen was my (apparently irreplacable)
> copyleft shirt (yellow/gold with large blue backwards (C) symbol on front
> and GPL preamble on back) which no amount of effort has managed to find a
> replacement for and it's *that* part i've never really gotten over.

> Mark

Well the Aussie's recently announced an additional travel warning for The Netherlands 
due to the increased level of petty crime although I feel it was a little extreme. The 
petty crime problem is very much specific to Amsterdam and foreign crims come into the 
city specifically to target tourists and their valuables.

I've lived out here for 3 years now and enjoy exceptional safety where I live in 
Haarlem so perhaps an alternative major city such as Haarlem or Den Haag might be an 
option ?

Hmmm... what size was that T shirt ? (c;

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