> Dear newbies,
>     As a newcomer to woodworking, you will not be welcomed with open arms.
> First, you will find no documentation on how to make your completely
> ceiling-height cabinets perfectly the first time that your wife will
> appreciate. Second, if you ask any woodworker for assistance, you will be
> treated like a fool and your new cabinets will be set aflame and you will
> instructed to experiment with your tool and learn your craft. This
> waste of time will only develop you into a competent woodworker able to
> anything you wish. You should go to the furniture store or ask an already
> competent person to take care of your cabinetry for you as you have
> the desire or intelligence. Lastly, your raw material is so bug-ridden,
> your handiwork will prove fruitless. We should all leave it up to the
> experts. With a carpentry community so anti-n00b, don't expect your
> handbuilt cabinets to be fixed for free by other people with their own
> problems who have graciously given their time and knowledge to the rest of
> us. You might actually be expected to fix it yourself.
Certainly great! You make me laugh so much...

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