
I think this is a better solution:

I've created a simular solution for our main incoming line. Extentions can add/remove themselfs from
the distrubuting extention.

I used the DATABASE functions of Asterisk to accomplish this following.

my example:
first create a few Database/Keys in the Asterisk CLI to express which phones may use this feature and how the extention will actually be dialed. Like I have two phones on differant hardware that BOTH act as "169" and both get called by "169" but need special intrustions to be dialed.

In Asterisk CLI

DATABASE put zentrale 111 0: SIP/111a&SIP/111b
DATABASE put zentrale 115 0:SIP/114&SIP/115
DATABASE put zentrale 118 0:SIP/118
DATABASE put zentrale 298 1:DAHDI/r1/298
DATABASE put zentrale 168 1:SIP/168&DAHDI/r1/169

add these lines to

 exten => s,1,Set(OPER=${DB_KEYS(zentrale)})
 exten => s,n,Set(DailOut=)
 exten => s,n,While($["${SET(XXX=${SHIFT(OPER)})}"!=""])
 exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${DB(zentrale/${XXX}):0:2}"!="1:"]?skp)
 exten => s,n,Set(DailOut=${DailOut}&${DB(zentrale/${XXX}):2})
 exten => s,n(skp),EndWhile
 exten => s,n,Set(DailOut=${DailOut:1})
 exten => s,n,Set(DB(zentrale/ist)=${DailOut})

;incoming call for "0" --> Operator
 exten = 0,1,GotoIfTime(07:45-17:05,mon-fri,*,*?inhours)
 same =  n,Dial(${DB(zentrale/ist)},10,txk)
 same =  n,GoTo(SIP-Phones,300,1)
 same =  n(inhours),Dial(${DB(zentrale/ist)},10,txk)
 same =  n,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info:\;info=abwurf)
 same =  n,Dial(SIP/297&${DB(zentrale/ist)},30,txk)
 same =  n,GoTo(SIP-Phones,300,1)
 same =  n,HangUp()

 exten = 300,1,Answer()
  same =  n,Wait(1)
  same =  n,VoiceMail(300)
  same =  n,HangUp()

exten = 301,1,Set(OPER=${DB_KEYS(zentrale)})
 same =     n,Answer()
 same =     n,PlayBack(/etc/asterisk/wav/301-zentrale)
 same =     n,PlayBack(/etc/asterisk/wav/500-nbstl)
 same =     n,While($["${SET(XX=${SHIFT(OPER)})}"!=""])
 same =     n,GotoIf($["${DB(zentrale/${XX}):0:2}"!="1:"]?skp)
;same =     n,SayNumber(${XX})
 same =     n,SayPhonetic(${XX})
 same =     n,Wait(1)
 same =     n(skp),EndWhile
 same =     n,Wait(1)
 same =     n,PlayBack(vm-goodbye)
 same =     n,HangUp()

exten = 302,1,Answer()
 same =     n,Set(CDR(accountcode)=${CALLERID(number):-3})
same = n,GotoIf($["${DB_EXISTS(zentrale/${CALLERID(number)})}"="0"]?301,1) same = n,GotoIf($["${DB(zentrale/${CALLERID(number)}):0:2}"="1:"]?off) same = n,Set(DB(zentrale/${CALLERID(number)})=1${DB(zentrale/${CALLERID(number)}):1})
 same =     n,macro(SetZentrale)
 same =   n,PlayBack(beep)
 same =   n,PlayBack(beep)
 same =   n,PlayBack(/etc/asterisk/wav/500-nbstl)
;same =   n,SayNumber(${CALLERID(number)})
 same =   n,SayPhonetic(${CALLERID(number)})
 same =   n,PlayBack(/etc/asterisk/wav/302-hinzu)
 same =     n,Goto(bye)
same = n(off),Set(DB(zentrale/${CALLERID(number)})=0${DB(zentrale/${CALLERID(number)}):1})
 same =     n,macro(SetZentrale)
 same =   n,PlayBack(beep)
 same =   n,PlayBack(/etc/asterisk/wav/500-nbstl)
;same =   n,SayNumber(${CALLERID(number)})
 same =   n,SayPhonetic(${CALLERID(number)})
 same =   n,PlayBack(/etc/asterisk/wav/302-hinab)
 same =     n(bye),Wait(1)
 same =     n,PlayBack(vm-goodbye)
 same =     n,HangUp()


Incoming calls to "0"  -->  Dial all phones listed via "302"
 --->  Dial(${DB(zentrale/ist)})

"300" - VoiceMail-Box
"301" - "reads off" the list of phones registered via "302"

"302" - if extention not registered, adds calling extention (database entry must exist) to Dial-List DATABASE entry "zentrale/ist" is created or modified by this methode "302" - if extention registered, removes calling extention from Dial-List ${DB(zentrale/ist)

I hope this may interest and help you along ....

my best regards,

Stefan Becker

On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Frank Vanoni <> wrote:
I have the following scenario:

exten => 2000,1,Dial(SIP/deviceA&SIP/deviceB&SIP/deviceC)
As expected, by dialing 2000, all three devices will ring. And that's
However, there are situations where I only want "deviceA" and "deviceB"
to ring. I would like to have an extension to dial in order to modify
the dialplan.

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