> PS. What's the best source of documentation for the extensions.conf 
> file?  I don't see any in the second draft of the Asterisk Handbook, 
> not much that I can really make sense of in the wiki page 
> (http://www.voip-info.org/tiki-index.php?page=Asterisk+config+extensions.conf) 
> which seems to be full of forward references and many apparently 
> asterisk-specific references without definitions, and I don't see 
> anything specific to extensions.conf on 
> http://www.digium.com/index.php?menu=documentation.  So far, the most 
> useful documentation of that file that I've found is John Todd's config 
> file with extensive comments.  Is there anything more complete?  If 
> not, just knowing that this is the case will help me because I'll stop 
> hunting for something that's not there.  TIA.

Probably one of the toughest things to learn/understand in the begiinning
is the concept of "context", how its used, etc. As soon as you think you
understand it, it seems someone comes along with another approach that
will blow your previous understanding. Most everything else is rather
straight forward. The sample config files located in /usr/src/asterisk/configs
include a fair amount of descriptive text. Also from the CLI, 'show applications'
and 'show application dial' will become your friends.

I don't know of any easy to read text that actually describes "contexts" and
how they are implemented.

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