On Thu, Nov 03, 2005 at 07:36:49PM +0100, Tako Schotanus wrote:
> Is there any easy way to get things like the win32codecs for mplayer and 
> the flash plugin for firefox working when running a 64bits system?
> The only thing I can currently think of is: download all necessary RPMs 
> from the i386 folder in the repository, extract the files from them and 
> instal all those manually.

You can also simply install these rpms. No need to unpack and install
w/o package management.

> But that's not a very good way to keep your system up-to-date.

> And are there  other areas where I will encounter problems lke this? (I 
> heard something about Java?)

There is a java 1.4.2 plugin for x86_64 from blackdown.

> If so is it really worth all the trouble running the x86_64 version or 
> should I just re-install with i386 now my system is still relatively fresh?

No, if you find trouble with firefox then just reinstall firefox using
the i386 rpms. Similar to other such issues like mythtv, mplayer etc.

Your updates are of course a bit less automated, as you would have to
take care of these (few) i386 packages manually (the smart/yum/apt way
would update them to x86_64).

> I recognize this is not a ATrpms-specific question, but I just hoped 
> somebody here with enough experience could give me some advise. :-) 
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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