
>> I've been trying to upgrade to the latest 2.6.22 tuxonice kernel,
>> along with some kernel modules that i can't live without (ipw2200,
>> afs), and I ran into some dependency problems. Similar problem was
>> reported on the list on Aug.  5th for 2.6.21 kernel and following
>> Axel's advice i installed the skip-broken plugin.
> These problems were different in that yum was confused about too many
> kmdls in the repo - this is a yum bug that the skip-broken plugin
> fixes. The problem you describe is a bug in ATrpms proper and was hit
> by a fellow coworker of yours as well and he bugzilla'd it under
> http://bugzilla.atrpms.net/show_bug.cgi?id=1259
> It's fixed since 1/2 day, so you just need to make sure yum points to
> a recent mirror.
Thanks ... this works fine now.

Unfortunatelly, fglrx blocks the suspend with 2.6.22 kernel (tried fglrx-8.38.6 
and fglrx-8.39.4, without fglrx suspend works fine).
The freeze occurs while "Doing atomic copy" in textui, the keyboard is still 
responsive and one can change modes, log levels etc.
The last entry in hibernate log (verbosity 3) is:
hibernate: Activating suspend ...

It was working with 2.6.21 and fglrx-8.38.6, so  ... is it possible to get the 
rpms for the 2.6.21 kernel somewhere?

> (Looks like CERN really likes frozen pinguins ;)
Oh yess ... they're most crunchy!


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